New Jersey Paternity Lawyer | Martone Law Group, LLC

Apr 28, 2019

Expert Paternity Lawyers in New Jersey

Looking for a reliable and knowledgeable paternity lawyer in New Jersey? Look no further than The Skiendziul Law Firm! Our team of experienced attorneys at Martone Law Group, LLC specializes in family law cases, including paternity disputes. With our expertise and dedication to achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients, we can provide you with the legal advice and representation you need.

Comprehensive Paternity Services

At The Skiendziul Law Firm, we understand the complexities and sensitivities involved in paternity cases. Whether you are a father seeking to establish paternity or a mother in need of child support, our skilled lawyers are here to guide you through the process. We offer a wide range of comprehensive services to assist you, including:

  • Paternity Testing: If there is a dispute regarding the biological father of a child, we can help arrange paternity testing to establish or deny paternity conclusively.
  • Child Custody and Visitation: Our attorneys will work tirelessly to protect your parental rights and help you obtain a fair and favorable custody and visitation arrangement.
  • Child Support: We will assist you in determining the appropriate child support amount based on the New Jersey guidelines and advocate for your rights.
  • Parenting Time Schedules: Our legal team can help create customized parenting time schedules that prioritize the best interests of the child while considering each parent's availability and responsibilities.

Why Choose The Skiendziul Law Firm?

When it comes to paternity cases, choosing the right legal representation is crucial. Here's why The Skiendziul Law Firm should be your top choice:

  1. Experience: Our attorneys have extensive experience in handling paternity cases and have successfully resolved numerous complex disputes.
  2. Expertise: We specialize in family law and stay up-to-date with the latest legal developments and strategies to best serve our clients.
  3. Client-Centric Approach: We prioritize our clients' needs and goals, providing personalized attention and tailored solutions to their specific legal issues.
  4. Strong Advocacy: Our lawyers are known for their strong advocacy skills both in and out of the courtroom, ensuring that our clients' rights are protected and their voices are heard.
  5. Compassionate Guidance: We understand the emotional challenges that come with paternity cases and offer compassionate support throughout the entire process.

Contact Us for a Consultation

If you are facing a paternity dispute and need expert legal guidance, don't hesitate to contact The Skiendziul Law Firm today. Our dedicated team of paternity lawyers at Martone Law Group, LLC is ready to assist you. Schedule a consultation with us to discuss your case and explore the best legal options available. We are committed to helping you navigate through the complexities of paternity law and achieving a positive resolution for you and your family.

Call us at (123) 456-7890 or email us at [email protected] to book an appointment. We look forward to representing you!

Jay Lewis
This article is an excellent resource for anyone in need of a reliable and knowledgeable paternity lawyer in New Jersey. The Martone Law Group, LLC's team of expert attorneys specializes in family law cases, including paternity disputes. With their expertise and dedication, they can provide the best outcomes for their clients. Highly recommended!
Nov 11, 2023