Does Public Intoxication Stay on Your Record in NJ?
Probation Changes
Understanding Public Intoxication Laws in New Jersey
Public intoxication, also known as public drunkenness or drunk and disorderly, can have serious legal consequences. In New Jersey, being intoxicated in a public place is considered a disorderly persons offense. This offense falls under the category of petty disorderly person offenses, which are less serious than crimes but can still result in fines and a criminal record.
The Effects of Public Intoxication on Your Criminal Record
If you have been charged with public intoxication in New Jersey, you may be wondering whether or not it will stay on your record. The answer to this question depends on the outcome of your case. If you are convicted of public intoxication, it will be reflected on your criminal record. This can have various repercussions, such as:
- Affecting future employment opportunities
- Difficulties in obtaining professional licenses
- Negative impact on housing applications
- Potential immigration consequences
- Barriers to volunteering or working with vulnerable populations
Expungement: Clearing Your Record
If you have a public intoxication conviction on your record, it may be possible to have it expunged or erased from your record. Expungement is a legal process that allows individuals to have certain criminal offenses removed from their records, providing them with a fresh start.
Eligibility for Expungement
In New Jersey, you may be eligible for expungement if:
- Five years have passed since the conviction, payment of fine, satisfactory completion of probation or parole, or release from incarceration, whichever is later.
- You have no subsequent convictions for any crime or disorderly persons offense.
- You have successfully completed all the terms and conditions of your sentence, including any fines, community service, or restitution.
- The offense you want to expunge is not one explicitly excluded from the expungement process.
It's important to note that expungement eligibility may vary depending on the specific circumstances of your case, and consulting with a qualified attorney can help determine your eligibility.
The Expungement Process
The process of expunging a public intoxication conviction involves the following steps:
- Filing a Petition for Expungement with the court
- Serving a copy of the Petition on all relevant parties, including the prosecutor's office
- Attending a hearing, if required by the court
- Obtaining a signed Order of Expungement from the court
Having an experienced attorney guide you through the expungement process is essential to ensure a successful outcome.
Why Choose The Skiendziul Law Firm?
When it comes to navigating legal matters related to public intoxication, having the right representation is crucial. The Skiendziul Law Firm specializes in criminal defense cases, including expungement, and is committed to protecting your rights and helping you achieve the best possible outcome for your case.
Our team of highly skilled attorneys has extensive experience in handling expungements in New Jersey. We understand the complexities of the legal system and work diligently to provide personalized, effective legal solutions tailored to your specific needs.
Contact Us Today for Expert Legal Advice
If you have questions about public intoxication charges and their impact on your record in New Jersey or need assistance with expungement, don't hesitate to reach out to The Skiendziul Law Firm. Our dedicated team is ready to provide you with the guidance and support you need.
Contact us today to schedule a consultation and let us help you in your legal journey.
The Skiendziul Law Firm | Law and Government - Legal
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